Energizing Strategies To Help You Avoid The 3 O’Clock Slump

by | Jul 29, 2019 | Featured Blogs, Goal Setting, Health Tips, Weight Loss, Weight Management


Foods can energize us, or they can contribute to a sluggish, tired feeling. Most women are familiar with that bewitching time around 3 pm when we start to hit a wall. We begin to crave a snack and may even feel ourselves becoming irritable.

Our bodies are conditioned and accustomed to giving our children a snack after school and even after they have moved on we may still crave something sweet, salty or crunchy at around that same time.

I want to emphasize that even though you may crave (and crave does not mean “need”) something sweet, it’s actually best to avoid snacking on sweets because even though it may give you a quick burst of energy, you’re likely to crash soon after, feeling worse than you did to begin with.

Instead of grabbing a cookie or some chips I have a list of some energy-boosting strategies to help energize you and help you avoid that mid-afternoon slump.

  • Don’t skip breakfast or lunch! Eating a nutritious meal, rich in healthy sources of protein, fiber-rich healthy carbs like fruits & veggies and possibly some whole grains will help you stay satiated and keep your energy levels up.
  • Stay hydrated! Drinking 2-3 liters of water daily (more for weight loss) helps prevent brain fog and keeps cravings at bay.
  • Move your body! You may not feel like it, but getting up and going for a walk outside or jumping on the treadmill will get your endorphins pumping and you’ll recharge your battery.
  • Sometimes you may just need to rest! A quick cat nap or a 5-10 minute meditation may be just what your body needs to feel invigorated.
  • Consider going to bed a little earlier! Waking up tired is sure to negatively affect the rest of your day.

There are certain foods which help keep energy levels up and are good choices for an afternoon snack. Some foods like nuts and nut butters are high in fat and calories so you need to pay particular attention to portion sizes.

Suggestions include:

  • Raw nuts are a good source of protein and fiber-rich carbohydrates. Pistachios with the shells are an excellent choice because you can eat 25 for 100 calories. An added benefit is that shelling them takes time and slows you down. Almonds contain nutrients like Magnesium and B Vitamins and 1 serving is approximately 23 (equivalent to ¼ cup or 1 cupped palm) for 162 calories.
  • Peanut (or Almond) Butter on some apple slices or celery provides protein and fiber. Just 1-2 T is enough for a snack and you can also add some powdered nut butter to a healthy smoothie for fewer calories.
  • Kale salad with other high-fiber, crunchy veggies and some seeds for protein is a great food for fuel.
  • Hummus made from chickpeas or beans with veggies is a perfect snack mid-day.
  • Plain Greek (or dairy-free) yogurt with berries is a delicious and healthy treat.

In my own experience, I have found that when I take the dog for a walk mid-day we both enjoy the diversion (and it’s another way to get in additional steps) even if I had already exercised. I have also found that taking a walk while listening to a podcast makes me feel as though I have been more productive and focused than if I had been listening in the car or while sitting at my desk.

The 3 pm slump is a real thing, especially if you had an early start to your day. So I suggest you listen to your body and try to use some of the strategies I have listed above. It’s very possible that moving your body will make you feel better but if you didn’t get a great night’s sleep and really feel as though you hit a wall don’t sweat it – try to get a short nap if you’re able. Better yet, sign up for a guided meditation and listen for a few minutes, you’ll be amazed how refreshed you’ll feel.

Yours In Good Health





Wholey Fit Nutrition, LLC



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